Eligibility: At least 1 year of experience on the board. Works with president to plan and implement COSOPHE business. Oversees program committee, grants, and special projects
Time commitment: 10 hours/month
Continuing Education Committee
Eligibility: Seeking Co-Chair and 6 members to serve on CE Committee. Review abstracts and approve sessions that are eligible for CHES®/MCHES® continuing education credit hours (CECH) at the Colorado Public Health Association’s annual Public Health in the Rockies conference.
Time commitment: Intermittently within June – September | 20 hours total
Advocacy Committee
Eligibility: Seeking Co-Chair to assist Chair. Determine advocacy priorities and establish and maintain connections with appropriate statewide organizations and other stakeholders. Develop and maintain a template for COSOPHE position statements; identify, approve, and distribute position statements.
Time commitment: 2-4 hours per month based on collaboration opportunities
Communication Committee
Eligibility: Seeking Chair and Co-Chair. Website redesign and digital platforms updating.
Time commitment: 2-4 hours per month
Membership Committee
Eligibility: Seeking Membership Chair and Co-chair to recruit, retain and engage chapter members through active engagement and recruitment strategies.
Time commitment: 2-4 hours per month
Higher Education Student Ambassador Liaison
Eligibility: Liaise with academic partners.
Time commitment: 5 hours per month
Members At Large
Eligibility: Serve on Executive Board for future opportunities.
Time commitment: 2-4 hours per month
COSOPHE aspires to be the voice and face of health education and promotion in the Rocky Mountain region. Join us today at
Learn more about our Executive Board and available leadership roles that might spark your interest!
All board members serve on a volunteer basis and play an important role in shaping COSOPHE’s initiatives throughout Colorado.
Learn more about the different board roles below.
These positions are OPEN & AVAILABLE.
Summaries of each of the board roles
Time commitment:
10-20 hours/month
Provides support to executive board roles. Works to guide and oversee implementation of Strategic Planning objectives. Prepares and guides the agendas for monthly board meetings. Acts as a liaison and voice on behalf of COSOPHE at other organizations' meetings.
Past President
Time commitment:
20 hours/month
This is the last year of a 3-year role. Responsibilities include finishing goals established as President, supporting transition of board roles.
Manages COSOPHE finances.
This includes maintaining accurate financial records, depositing and writing checks, helping develop annual budget, providing financial updates at monthly board meetings, and filing tax and 501(c)(3) reports.
Time commitment:
1-2 hours/month
Records the minutes for all board meetings, and ensures that the board gets to review them prior to the next meeting. Manages the Board Member reporting templates on Google Drive.
Chapter Delegate
Time commitment:
2 hours/month
Acts as liaison to national SOPHE at annual programs and House of Delegates meetings. Coordinates chapter re-designation every 5 years.
Communications Coordinator
Time commitment:
5-10 hours/month
Manages all COSOPHE communications, including e-mails, website content, print materials, and social media. Provides assistance with technology including Zoom and member management software.
Students & New Professionals Coordinator
Time commitment: 2 hours/month
Provides educational and professional resources, and ensures connections are made to provide students, transitioning members, and new professionals a kickstart to their career and passion.
Advocacy Chair
5-10 hours/month.
Plans and implements COSOPHE's advocacy key areas of focus and the activities that support them, including writing position briefs, identifying sign-on opportunities, and contacting legislators.
Membership Chair
Time commitment:
5-10 hours/month
Represents member needs throughout COSOPHE's various efforts, recruits new members, and manages online membership system. Helps develop Membership Engagement and Development plan to ensure proactive recruitment and member engagement efforts reflective of current member needs.
Networking Chair
Time commitment:
8-10 hours/month
Organizes networking events, and creates social media content with the communications coordinator. We post professional resources, events, continuing ed credit opportunities, posts on advocacy, up-to-date information on hot topics, and facilitate engagement among health educators and professionals across health sectors.
Strategic Planning Chair
Time commitment:
1 hour/month
Every five years the strategic plan is revised to reflect changes in the organization's priorities. The chair assembles a committee to review and revise the plan and ultimately bring it to the board for a vote. After approval, the chair oversees the progress of the metrics in the plan. Time commitment: 5 hours/month for 2 months while revising plan (every 5 years),